8 research outputs found

    Creating open language resources for Hungarian

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    The paper provides an overview of the open source Hungarian language resources that the SzóSzablya ‘WordSword ’ project is creating. An extensive crawl of the.hu domain yielded a raw dataset of over 18m web pages. We discuss the methods used to detect and remove duplicates, low quality, foreign, and mixed language documents, and describe the resulting gigaword corpus and various frequency counts and dictionaries based on it. 1

    Використання високоенергетичного ультразвуку для підвищення якості очищення часток залізорудної сировини у процесі її збагачення

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    The iron-magnetite raw material extracted in Ukraine is characterized by a complex texture, structure, and a high content of harmful impurities such as silicon dioxide, potassium oxides, sodium, magnesium, and sulfur. At the same time, the requirements for the quality of iron ore concentrates entering the further metallurgical processing are increasing, as the high quality of magnetite concentrates can significantly reduce the cost of metallurgical production.Meanwhile, the quality of concentrates decreases mainly due to the formation of technogenic micron splices in the iron ore pulp. The main reason for the formation of gaps is the presence of ion-electric and molecular fields on the surface of the ore particles. The formation of technogenic gaps reduces the difference in the properties of the surface of the ore and nonmetallic grains; it changes their magnetic susceptibility and, consequently, the efficiency of separation methods.Analysis of the results of studying the influence of the dynamic effects of high-energy ultrasound on the ore pulp showed the promising use of this approach.To improve the efficiency of cleaning the surfaces of minerals, it is proposed to pre-treat the iron ore slurry with the help of high-energy ultrasound. The optimum values of the intensity and the duration of ultrasonic treatment in the purification of mineral particles have been determined. When cleaning mineral particles, the intensity should be 1.2 W/cm2, and the processing time should not exceed 60 seconds. In this case, the yield of the purified product is increased by 0.8 %, and its quality grows by 0.9 %. It has been proven that the efficiency of ultrasonic treatment is associated with the renewal of particles surfaces, which leads to an increase in the contrast of magnetic and flotation properties of minerals.The study has shown that ultrasonic treatment of the iron ore pulp in the Kremenchuk iron ore region of Ukraine allows reducing the content of harmful impurities: potassium oxide – from 0.19 to 0.035–0.04 %; sodium oxide – from 0.14 to 0.027 %.Ухудшение качества концентратов в основном происходит в результате образования микронных техногенных сростков. Предложено использование высокоэнергетического ультразвука в кавитационном режиме для очистки поверхностей минералов. Доказано, что эффективность ультразвуковой обработки связана с обновлением поверхностей частиц, что приводит к увеличению контрастности магнитных и флотационных свойств минералов. Выполнен расчет устройства формирования высокоэнергетического ультразвукаПогіршення якості концентратів в основному відбувається внаслідок утворення мікронних техногенних зростків. Запропоновано використання високоенергетичного ультразвуку в кавітаційному режимі для очищення поверхонь мінералів. Доведено, що ефективність ультразвукової обробки пов'язана з оновленням поверхонь часток, що призводить до збільшення контрастності магнітних і флотаційних властивостей мінералів. Виконано розрахунок пристрою формування високоенергетичного ультразвук

    Quadratus lumborum asymmetry and L4 Pars injury in fast bowlers: A prospective MR study

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    Engstrom, C. M., D. G Walker, V. Kippers, and A. J. H. Mehnert. Quadrants Lumborum Asymmetry and L4 Pars Injury in Fast Bowlers: A Prospective MR Study. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 910-917, 2007. Purpose: This prospective study examined the association between quadratus lumborum (QL) asymmetry and the development of symptomatic pars interarticularis lesions in the lumbar spine of adolescent cricket fast bowlers. Methods: Annual magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure QL volume asymmetry and for identifying pars lesions of the lumbar vertebrae in fast bowlers (N = 5 1) and a control group of swimmers (N = 18). Manual segmentation of axial images spanning the lumbar spine was performed to calculate percent QL asymmetry relative to the bowling- or throwing- (swimmers) arm side. Asymmetry above 100% indicated a larger QL volume on the bowling- (throwing) arm side. Results: The mean QL asymmetry in bowlers of 110.5% (SD = 12.1%) was significantly different from the 96.6% (SD = 5.0%) asymmetry in swimmers (t = 6.75,

    Centralized information web-oriented educational environment of Ukraine

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    The modern development of science and technology has provided high quantity of information. This information must be systemized and classified. For taxonomization of educational materials, it was proposed to use existing graph-generators and graph-visualizers of the TODOS IT platform. A separate aspect of the TODOS IT platform is the possibility of using a centralized web-oriented learning environment. Creation of the system and transdisciplinary knowledge is a problem of modern education, which can be solved by creating a centralized web-oriented educational environment. Using this approach is an important part of the learning process. Such a centralized web-oriented environment based on the ontological approach involves filling, adaptive educational services with information resources that reflect the conceptual system of a particular discipline.One of the systems providing not only collection of information but include its systemizing is centralized web-oriented educational environment based on Ontology4 system. Ontology 4 use elements of the TODOS.The paper presents specific developments of one centralized web-oriented educational environment can be used to teach different subjects such as biology, chemistry, Ukrainian language and literature, using the STEM approach